Sunday, November 11, 2012

Elections & Choices...

How many of you followed the US elections? Raise your hands..
oh well really. I can't see them raised but hey.. most of us did. right?
and yeah.. I stayed up till 3 on the results night to see who'd win... (I know the results came out at around 6.. :P)

So anyway, while I was watching Obama and Romney battle it on screen, it got me thinking. What does it take to make a leader? 
Is it the instant bonding ability that Obama has? or does it take a great business mind like Romney's to attract the millions? Maybe it's the ability to stay calm during Sandy and have that resonating in your voice when you are talking to a nation. 

But surely there has to be something that keeps the leader going and thinking above and beyond?

What is it that defines someone who can lead: a nation, a company, a project, a class, a family?

(Have I got a few nods, shakes, shouts?)

It's probably a combination of all of that and much more. It differs from person to person, situation to situation, perceptions. However, the one thing that I did find common amongst notable leaders/mentors of all times is the ability to stay natural, calm yet dynamic in any situation/relation. 

How you train yourself to do that, is your choice.

I chose to start with the YES!+ and Sudarshan Kriya. You can too.

I'll finish with a quote I love and remind myself ever so often:
"Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult." 
(Though becomes a lot easier when you have the right tools.. :))


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